Personal insurance

Everything about

R1 insurance

Insure some of your high-value possessions for just R1 a month! (Nope, we're not even kidding.)

Everything about R1 insurance

Insure some of your high-value possessions for just R1 a month! (Nope, we're not even kidding.)
Personal R1 Insurance - Everything About Image
Personal R1 Insurance - Everything About Image

In a nutshell

Did you know: You can add a R1 item when taking out our super cheap comprehensive car or motorbike insurance! Yep, now you can insure some of your favourite things for just R1 a month.

In a nutshell

Did you know: You can add a R1 item when taking out our super cheap comprehensive car or motorbike insurance! Yep, now you can insure some of your favourite things for just R1 a month.

I don't have comprehensive car insurance

You'll need comprehensive car insurance to have optional cover like R1 insurance. If you'd like to get comprehensive insurance for your car, simply click on get a car quote.

I don't have comprehensive car insurance

You'll need comprehensive car insurance to have optional cover like R1 insurance. If you'd like to get comprehensive insurance for your car, simply click on get a car quote.
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R1 insurance - How it works
R1 insurance - How it works

How it works

When you comprehensively cover 1 car, you can cover 1 x R1 item. When you cover 2+ cars, you can cover an equal number of R1 items. You can also insure motorbike gear for every comprehensively-insured motorbike. If you end your royal cover for the car or motorbike that’s linked to a R1 insurance item then we’ll continue to insure the R1 item, but at our normal rate.

How it works

When you comprehensively cover 1 car, you can cover 1 x R1 item. When you cover 2+ cars, you can cover an equal number of R1 items. You can also insure motorbike gear for every comprehensively-insured motorbike. If you end your royal cover for the car or motorbike that’s linked to a R1 insurance item then we’ll continue to insure the R1 item, but at our normal rate.

Comprehensive car insurance R1 items

Link your comprehensive car insurance to these R1 items:

Comprehensive car insurance R1 items

Link your comprehensive car insurance to these R1 items:

Comprehensive motorbike insurance R1 item

Link your comprehensive motorbike insurance to this R1 item:

Comprehensive motorbike insurance R1 item

Link your comprehensive motorbike insurance to this R1 item: