Why you shouldn’t splurge on a new phone every 2 years

Do you feel the urge to buy the latest smartphone every time a new model comes out? Do you think that having the newest features and specs will make your life better? If you answered yes, you might want to reconsider your phone upgrade habits. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t splurge on a new phone every 2 years.


You’ll save money

This is the most obvious reason, but also the most important 1. Smartphones are expensive, especially the high-end ones. Buying a new phone every 2 years can cost you thousands of rands over time. That money could be better spent on other things, like saving for a rainy day, investing in your future, getting comprehensive insurance, or treating yourself to a holiday or a trip.

Think about it. Do you really need a new phone, or do you just want 1? Is the difference between your current phone and the new 1 worth the price tag? Chances are, your phone still works fine and does everything you need it to do. Unless your phone is broken or outdated, you don’t need to replace it so often.


You’ll reduce e-waste

Another reason to keep your phone longer is to reduce your environmental impact. E-waste, or electronic waste, is a growing problem in the world. By buying a new phone every 2 years, you’re contributing to this problem. Even if you recycle or trade in your old phone, you’re still using more resources and energy than necessary. The best way to reduce e-waste is to extend the lifespan of your devices and use them as long as possible.


You’ll avoid the hassle of switching phones

Switching phones can be a hassle. You must back up your data, transfer your contacts, apps, photos, and settings, and get used to a new interface and features. Sometimes, things can go wrong, and you might lose some of your data or encounter compatibility issues. Not to mention, you must deal with the hassle of selling or disposing of your old phone.

Why go through all that trouble every 2 years, when you can avoid it by keeping your phone longer? You’ll save yourself time and stress and enjoy the familiarity and comfort of your current phone.


You’ll be happier

You might think that buying a new phone will make you happier, but that’s not necessarily true. In fact, research has shown that material possessions don’t bring lasting happiness and that constant consumption can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. This is because of a phenomenon called hedonic adaptation, which means that we quickly get used to new things and take them for granted.


Instead of chasing the next shiny thing, you’ll be happier if you appreciate what you have and focus on the things that really matter, like your relationships, hobbies, and goals. You’ll also avoid the pressure and anxiety of keeping up with the latest trends and comparing yourself to others.


You’ll be more productive

Finally, keeping your phone longer can help you be more productive. How? By reducing the distractions and temptations that come with a new phone. A new phone can be exciting, but also distracting. You might spend more time playing with it, checking out the new features, downloading new apps, and browsing the web. This can take away your attention and time from the things you need to do, like work, study, or chores.

By sticking with your old phone, you’ll be less tempted to waste time on your phone and more focused on your tasks. You’ll also avoid the learning curve and potential glitches that come with a new phone and enjoy the reliability and performance of your old 1.



As you can see, there are many benefits to keeping your phone longer and not splurging on a new 1 every 2 years. You’ll save money, reduce e-waste, avoid the hassle of switching phones, be happier, and be more productive. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should never buy a new phone. Sometimes, you might need to upgrade your phone for legitimate reasons, like security, compatibility, or performance. But if you’re buying a new phone, then you should get portable possessions insurance from King Price. For a commitment-free insurance quote, simply click here or WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50. Stay warm and drive safe this winter!


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Why you shouldn't splurge on a new phone every 2 years
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Why you shouldn't splurge on a new phone every 2 years
How often do you upgrade your phone? If it’s every 2 years, you might want to rethink your strategy. Discover the benefits of keeping your phone longer and the drawbacks of splurging on a new one.
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King Price Insurance
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