Why the smell of cooking food makes you feel hungry

Have you ever walked past a bakery and suddenly felt a craving for a freshly baked croissant? Or smelled your neighbour’s braai and wished you could join them for a lekker chop? If so, you’re not alone. The smell of cooking food can make you feel hungry, even if you’re not really in need of a meal. But why does this happen, and how can you prevent it from ruining your diet? Let’s find out.


The science of smell and hunger


Smell and hunger are closely linked in our brains. When we smell something delicious, our brain sends signals to our stomach to prepare for digestion. This triggers the release of a hormone called ghrelin, which stimulates our appetite and makes us feel hungry.


But that’s not all. When we’re hungry, our sense of smell becomes stronger, too. This is because our brain boosts the activity of the cannabinoid receptors, which are involved in both smell and appetite. The hungrier we are, the more sensitive we’re to the aromas of food.


This means that smelling food can make us hungry for that specific type of food. For example, if you smell pizza, you’re more likely to want pizza than salad. And if you smell something sweet, you’re more likely to crave sugar than protein. Smelling food can also influence our mood, memory, and emotions, making us associate certain foods with positive feelings.


The problem of overeating


So, smelling food can make us hungry, and hunger can make us smell food better. Sounds like a vicious cycle, right? Well, it can be, especially if you’re trying to lose weight or eat healthily. Smelling food can tempt you to eat more than you need, or to choose foods that are high in calories, fat, or sugar. This can lead to overeating, weight gain, and health problems.


But don’t worry, we’re not here to spoil your fun. We know that food is 1 of life’s pleasures and that sometimes you just need to indulge in your favourite dish. We’re not saying you should avoid smelling food altogether, or that you should never treat yourself. We’re just saying that you should be aware of how smell affects your hunger and that you should take some steps to control it.


How to avoid overeating


Here are some tips to help you avoid overeating when you smell food:


  • Drink water. Water can help you feel full and reduce your appetite. It can also help you stay hydrated and flush out toxins. Drink a glass of water before and after your meals, and whenever you feel thirsty or hungry.
  • Eat regularly. Don’t skip meals or starve yourself. This will only make you hungrier and more susceptible to the smell of food. Eat small, frequent meals that are balanced and nutritious. Include protein, fibre, and healthy fats in your diet, as they can help you feel satisfied and curb your cravings.
  • Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth can help you freshen your breath and cleanse your palate. It can also signal to your brain that you’re done eating and reduce your desire for more food. Brush your teeth after every meal or chew some sugar-free gum if you can’t brush.
  • Distract yourself. If you smell food that you don’t need or want, try to distract yourself with something else. Listen to music, read a book, watch a show, call a friend, or do some exercise. Anything that can take your mind off the food and make you happy.
  • If you know you’re going to be in a situation where you’ll smell food, like a party, a restaurant, or a market, plan ahead. Eat something healthy before you go, so you’re not starving. Bring some snacks with you, like nuts, fruits, or granola bars, in case you get hungry. And set some limits for yourself, like how much you’ll eat, what you’ll eat, and when you’ll stop.


The bottom line


Smelling food can make you feel hungry, and hunger can make you smell food better. This can be a problem if you’re trying to lose weight or eat healthily, as it can lead to overeating and choosing unhealthy foods. But you can avoid overeating by drinking water, eating regularly, brushing your teeth, distracting yourself, and planning. And remember, you can still enjoy food and have fun cooking at home. If you’re scared that your flambé steak might set your kitchen on fire, you can always get home contents and buildings insurance from the king of insurance to make sure you’re covered. For a commitment-free insurance quote, simply click here or WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50.

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Why the smell of cooking food makes you feel hungry
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Why the smell of cooking food makes you feel hungry
Learn why the smell of cooking food can make you feel hungry, and how to avoid overeating when you smell food. Read this article for some tips and tricks.
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King Price Insurance
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