A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

Which business insurance do I need?

Small business basics: what kind of business insurance do I need? Starting and running your own small business can be exhilarating. And terrifying. After all… from the moment you start, you face plenty of risks. Most likely your overall business strategy includes risk management to help you make sure that you avoid things like unnecessary debt, or to ensure that […]

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Declutter your home, make space in your life

Declutter your home, create a little zen in your life Lately the world has gone a bit gaga over yet another trend. Unlike those that have you chasing fictional characters with your phone (although that was a fun Tuesday and we can’t recommend it enough), this 1 promises to transform your life… Through magic. And decluttering your life.

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The safest province in SA to build, rent, or buy a house

The safest province to call home in South Africa The safest province to call home in South Africa – You want a home. Some place to call your very own. And before we burst into song, let’s just all agree that whether you’re looking for a quaint garden cottage or a sexy urban townhouse, that special place where you house […]

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5 things that are super cheap when you join the king

Super Cheap Insurance From King Price There’s no doubt about it. Price is king. It determines where we shop for curtains, where we call home, how long we work for… And who we insure with. If it’s not the biggest deciding factor, it comes pretty darn close, right? You know it’s true and we completely understand.

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We have 1 of the lowest claims overturned rates!

Insurance claims overturned – The 2015 report of the Ombudsman for Short-Term Our goal is to offer you (and the rest of South Africa, for that matter) the chance to get super cheap insurance, to benefit from premiums that decrease every month in line with their car’s depreciating value, and to enjoy the kind of royal service that always puts […]

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Kick the digital addiction habit

We recently launched our R1 insurance, which lets you add cover for your Apple watch (and a few other things) to your car cover, and we got to talking about how deeply embedded technology is into our lives. Literally, your Apply watch can track your health activity, keep comms with friends and colleagues, run a wide range of apps… And […]

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