South Africa is a veritable treasure trove of aspiring entrepreneurs. It’s not surprising that small-to-medium businesses have been identified as quite the little steam engines, driving inclusive economic growth and making up around 34% of the nation’s GDP.
Read moreThe art to buying the perfect present
There’s nothing quite like seeing the expression on that special someone’s face when they’ve unwrapped a perfect present you spent forever looking for… You know the look that we’re talking about. There’s a split second of “what-on-earth” before a sugary sweet, fake as xylitol smile appears. Usually, it’s accompanied with a, “Oh, you shouldn’t have…”
Read moreThe low down on powering up your home
The low down on powering up your home Remember when electricity didn’t cost an arm and a leg? Seriously, electricity has started taking a heftier chunk out of our budgets than ever before. Sure, you can go for the quick fix and invest in a generator, but this isn’t your only option and it probably isn’t your best long-term solution. […]
Read moreExplore South Africa with these freebies
There’s nothing like some time off, whether it’s a holiday, a day off, or just your weekend. However, there’s only so much money you can spend on activities and only so much time you can spend relaxing at home… Let’s face it. South Africa is a veritable piggy bank, stuffed with amazing things to do and places to go. The […]
Read more3 of the (many) inspiring South Africans in our midst
What does a businesswoman, a rocket scientist, and an insurance innovator have in common? Well, each has achieved in their field to the point where it is pretty darn inspiring, and we thought that in light of the Olympics taking place right now… let’s keep the inspiration flowing. After all, we may not all be Olympic-level athletes, but each of […]
Read moreTop tips from advanced drivers
Keep your household costs on the low down Technically speaking, cars are safer than they have ever been. Of course, with human beings behind the wheel, they’re still killing machines. Let’s face it, as a species we do find it difficult to retain even the most minimal rules and techniques needed to adequately operate a car.
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