A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

You are your ultimate Valentine

We love you. Seriously, whether you’re part of our kingdom or not, we love our fellow countrymen and women… And given that it’s the month of love we thought we’d remind you that in our eyes, you’re a royal treat.

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5 ways to keep your holiday spending under control

As the year ends (and not a minute too soon!) it’s time to do what many of us fear… Shop for the holidays. It’s so easy to lose control… Some of us overspend just to avoid spending days finding something suitable for a 3-year-old who freaks out if she sees the colour green. Or, we spoil our families with feasts […]

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Protect your home during the festive season

December has become synonymous with surf, family time, sunshine, summer fun… And crime. Unfortunately, our beautiful land is somewhat afflicted by an increase of burglaries and other serious crimes over the festive season. Coming home from your well-deserved time off can be a little sad. After all, it signifies the end of a memorable time. It can only be more […]

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