A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

Why your business insurance should include fire insurance

4 reasons why your business needs fire insurance The expression ‘sizzling hot’ is nice when describing your monthly sales figures. After all, we all like to play about with clichéd descriptions when we’re celebrating a good month. It gives your success that extra bit of fun. However, it’s hardly the type of phrase you’d want to see play out in […]

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Introducing… Super cheap motorbike insurance with R1 insurance for your gear

So, you have a 2-wheeler, you’ve got a serious helmet, your snazzy leathers make people around you stop and stare… What’s missing from your motorbike assemblage? Motorbike insurance, that’s what. This is, to put it bluntly, the most important motorbike accessory apart from safety gear and a valid SA driver’s licence, of course. The king of insurance noticed that South […]

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Prevent holiday house break-ins

School holidays are a popular time for break-ins, so secure your home   School holidays are here, which means it’s a good time to remind everyone that this is generally the best time for opportunistic thieves. A lot of South Africans escape normal life and head for the hills, the beach, the bush, or wherever they go for some good […]

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Keep your house, family, and wallet safe this winter

You either love it or you hate, but 1 thing’s for sure… You can’t ignore it. That’s right, we’re talking about winter. The colder months bring delicious soups, roaring fires, and multiple snuggling opportunities. On the flip side, it also brings icy toes, higher electricity usage, and increased risks of damage to your home. We’re here to help you stay […]

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The 3 things you MUST know if you’ve written off your car

As if having an accident isn’t bad enough, being faced with the news that your car has been written off is a whole new level of low. Forget about adulting your way through the moment, this is when you’d be forgiven for dropping to your knees and wailing like a 3-year-old. In insurance terms, your car is considered a write-off […]

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Keep your car good as new with scratch and dent insurance

Keep your car good as new with scratch and dent insurance Your car is at risk of being bumped, scraped and knocked. And that’s just when it’s sitting completely still in a parking garage, minding its own business. Never mind what could happen when you start reversing out the parking space and driving around… No 1 can keep their car […]

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