A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

OUT with the old, in with the king

Decreasing premiums = major savings It’s no secret that no 1 wants to pay more for car insurance than they should. And yet, if you’re paying the same premium every single month, you probably are! You see, your car’s value is constantly dropping. So, really, you’re just paying the same (or more) for something that’s worth less. It’s OUT with […]

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Prepare for the load shedding 101

Load shedding will strike us again and it’s a trying time for every 1 who gets caught in the dark, unprepared. And of course, not every 1 is lucky enough to be able to buy a portable generator, let alone have enough room in the budget to keep it fuelled up every time the lights go out… That’s why we’ve […]

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Choose better insurance in 2019

How to compare car insurance quotes and get the best for your budget There’s such a thing as too many options. If you’re 1 of those ridiculously amazing humans who can easily look at several hundred bunches of the same type of rose and quickly pick the best, then this advice probably isn’t for you. The rest of us would […]

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Better ways to save in 2019

Start the year with a bunch more in your pocket. January is that 1 month that tends to feel like 3. Financially speaking, of course. We can all agree that there’s nothing like a rough month to make 4 weeks feel like forever. It just keeps going on and on and on… That’s just no way to start the year. […]

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