A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

Sell your home quicker

The 4 best tricks of the home-selling trade Guys… The housing market is competitive, which is great for buyers, but rough on sellers. For reals, it’s an actual joke to get your house on the market and sell it for the price that you want. We’ve looked around and seen loads of people struggle to get the cash they feel […]

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We’re backing our bokke… And you should too

We’re backing our bokke… And you should too  The Rugby World Cup kicks off on 20 September. And so, to show our support for our beloved bokke, we’ve traded in our royal red for some good ol’ green and gold. Even our website is going green… That’s how loyal we are! We’re challenging YOUR business to do the same… Go […]

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Healthy tips for the frequent business traveller

Conquering the business world 1 business trip at a time? Good for you! Here in our kingdom, we’re big believers in home-grown entrepreneurs and how they have the power to rock our economy into a positive existence. You guys are seriously the backbone of our economy and we salute the long hours, the sacrifice, all the times you had to […]

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Life lessons that only cyclists know

There are quite a few parallels between riding a bike and life. Sounds iffy, but it’s true! Since we got in the business of insuring bicycles for just R1 (more on that later), we’ve taken a vested interest in cycling. For some, it’s a hobby that gets you out of the office and into the fresh air… For others, it’s […]

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What to do while waiting for roadside assist

The king’s on his way, so stay safe It used to be a marginally irritating experience to encounter a flat tyre, run out of fuel, or break down and get stuck on the side of the road. And by marginally irritating, we mean a gigantic frustration that rear-ends your day or your holiday. Now, there’s the added element of fear […]

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Our royal guide to multi-car insurance

No person is an island (or so we’ve heard), and very few people live alone. That’s just a fact. Between your partner, kids, other family members, and any additional souls you’ve given home and board to, you might not be able to find a moment of peace. In fact, you might be dreaming of your very own island, with heaps […]

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