A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

You can insure your phone… On your phone

Some people dream of scaling Everest… We dream of things like giving South Africans the ability to insure their phones while using their phones. And seeing as that’s what we’ve done, you’ll forgive us for breaking out in a little happy dance.

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What’s culture got to do with your business

Our kingdom’s home to all types of people, from all the proverbial walks of life, working in all types of different areas to bring you the king’s super cheap, super amazing insurance. Our company is so diverse and yet, we mesh together quite well. That’s because our kingdom has its own culture that celebrates who we are as individuals and […]

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King Price culture day – You’re invited

King Price culture day: Find out how we created a flawsome culture that drives our kingdom We’re super lucky. That’s an understatement but we’re pretty sure that there aren’t words enough to describe how happy and grateful we are to be part of our amazing kingdom. Seriously. Who else gets to work in a company in South Africa where there […]

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3 major ways to save for the holidays

Save for the holidays Save for the holidays! Sorry, what? It’s October already? That means December is just a few weeks away *breathes anxiously* and we’re not nearly ready to call it quits on 2019. We don’t mean to panic, but honestly the end of the year is coming and a few of us in the kingdom realised that there’s […]

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King Price app for your convenience

King Price app – It’s official. We’re digital kings and queens, we’re riding the techno highway, we’re basically the Elon Musks of the South African insurance industry. Alright, that’s a slight exaggeration, but only slight because we did innovate the world’s first decreasing car insurance premium model. But the reason why we’re bouncing off the walls is because we have […]

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