A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

Why you should repair small dents and scratches on your car

Scratch and dent insurance covers minor repairs to the exterior of your car There’s an unpleasant scrapey sort of sound as you inch out of your parking bay. It was the only spot you could find in the whole lot, and you had to drive up and down all the levels for so long that you’d run out the clock […]

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Does the king care about the colour of your car

Oh gosh, yes, and let us tell you all about it. It’s not creepy, we promise. You see, it’s a common myth that the colour of your car doesn’t influence your car insurance premium. We’re not sure where it started, but the colour of your car does actually factor into the cost of your car insurance policy. It’s not like […]

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What you need to know about switching home insurance

Switching to a better home insurance policy that’s way more suitable for your valuables and way more affordable for your budget is the smart (and dare we say, obvious) choice. Sadly, a lot of consumers don’t actually know that they can switch their insurance to whichever company they want, whenever they want. And if they do know that they can […]

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Can you get your excess money back

Alright, so you probably know this by now but in case you didn’t… Whenever you submit a claim to us (or any car insurance company) you’re going to pay an excess amount. Even if the reason why you’re claiming isn’t your fault. Oh, you knew that already, did you? Well, did you know that you can sometimes get this money […]

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Cleaning hacks that’ll blow your mind

Cleaning hacks that’ll blow your mind (and 1 that’s got to do with your insurance) We’ve all become pros at occasionally (or more frequently, if we’re honest) performing operation ‘fake clean’ to get our homes looking livable in just a few minutes. While we applaud getting a job done quickly, going faster can ever so rarely = a job done poorly. […]

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Savvy in 60: Regular driver

Welcome to the last segment in our ‘savvy in 60’ series, which aims to educate you on all things insurance. Today we’re looking at something called the ‘regular driver’. Simply put, the regular driver is the person who drives a car most often. And by ‘most often’ we don’t mean the person who puts the most kms on the clock… […]

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