Whether we acknowledge it or not, home contents insurance is more crucial than that second cup of morning coffee. Navigating the loss or damage of our prized treasures is rough enough. Add in the financial headache of replacing them? Now that’s a real horror story. Balancing act: The interplay between cost and protection For many of us South Africans, the […]
Read moreHome contents insurance and understanding proof of ownership
We hope this never happens, but if any of your precious belongings get damaged or stolen out of your home, you should be able to provide us with proof of ownership when you claim for it against your home contents insurance policy. Imagine our hero, Mr Larry Lounger, living peacefully in the Smith family’s lounge. He was the foundation for countless […]
Read morePolicies, premiums, and peculiar penguins: Navigating South Africa’s top insurance companies
Alright, insurance aficionados! Fasten your seat belts and clutch your policy schedules… We’re zooming through the highways and byways of South African insurance, and it’s going to be a hoot! Here are some top tips to evaluate insurance companies in South Africa and how you can determine which 1 is the best for you: Do they offer a ‘no claim […]
Read moreCellphone insurance to safeguard your tech gizmos
Get cellphone insurance as part of portable possessions cover from King Price We’re all too familiar with the heart-dropping horror of watching our beloved phone take a swan dive into the bath or get hi-jacked by a toddler’s sticky fingers, or worse… A sneaky thief. So, we’ve done what it takes to make it less traumatising because the king has […]
Read moreBidding adieu to your old insurance, King Price style
Insurance is like your trusty umbrella on a rainy day… Always there, even if you don’t use it. But what if your umbrella was more of a money drainer than a rain saver? Time to ditch the old and switch to King Price, your new insurance umbrella! Here’s a step-by-step comedic tour of how to pull off this fantastic feat: […]
Read moreBuildings insurance is worth more than you think
You need to get your hands on buildings insurance as soon as you own any kind of building, whether it’s the house you live in or the remotely located holiday flat you escape to when the in-laws are threatening to visit. Understanding buildings insurance Basically, buildings insurance takes care of the permanent, built structures on your property like your house and its outbuildings. Many […]
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