A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

5 must-have gadgets for your car

Driving a car isn’t only an easy way to get from A to B, but also a great way to explore the beauty and diversity of South Africa. However, as any driver knows, there are some risks and challenges that come with owning and operating a car. That’s why it’s important to be ready for any situation that may happen […]

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Why you shouldn’t splurge on a new phone every 2 years

Do you feel the urge to buy the latest smartphone every time a new model comes out? Do you think that having the newest features and specs will make your life better? If you answered yes, you might want to reconsider your phone upgrade habits. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t splurge on a new phone every 2 years. […]

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Why you should travel solo at least once in your life

Travelling is 1 of the best ways to explore the world, learn new things, and have fun. But travelling with others can sometimes limit your freedom, flexibility, and personal growth. That’s why you should travel solo at least once in your life. Here are some of the benefits of traveling solo (and how to do it right).   The benefits […]

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Why you should learn a new language: The benefits of bilingualism for your brain and career

Have you ever dreamed of speaking another language? Maybe you want to travel the world, connect with new people, or explore different cultures. Or maybe you just want to challenge yourself and learn something new. Whatever your motivation, learning a new language can be 1 of the best decisions you ever make. Why? Because bilingualism (the ability to speak 2 […]

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Why you should check your tyre pressure before you drive in winter

Winter is here, and with it comes the cold weather, and the need to take extra care of your car. 1 of the most important things you can do to ensure your safety and comfort on the road is to check your tyre pressure regularly. Here are some reasons why you should do this, and how to do it right. […]

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What you don’t know about cars that are written-off

When you hear about a car being ‘written-off,’ your first thought is likely that the whole car must look like a smooshed tin can and you’re hoping that the people involved are okay. That makes sense, because a lot of the time an incident that results in a car being classified as ‘written-off’ is usually damaged beyond repair… And it […]

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