A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

Zombie apocalypse insurance: what would you need?

The idea of a zombie apocalypse may seem absurd. Even as we type this, we realise how insane we must seem. But hear us out. Because actually, we think that simply taking a few minutes to consider how your insurance might protect you in the face of extreme scenarios, it  can actually make everyday risks easier to understand. So, let’s […]

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What if South Africans insured each other?

Take a minute to imagine a world where, instead of paying premiums to a company, like us, you and your community pool your resources to insure each other. Seems like an odd idea, but actually, it isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. In fact, there are a few names for it, including crowdsourced insurance and peer-to-peer insurance, and it appears […]

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Celebs who should’ve had insurance (but didn’t)

When it comes to celebrity news, we’ve got to admit… We’re not immune. We’ll Google, chat, and share with our friends about the odd actor or singer here and there. It’s understandable when you consider that their every waking moments are captured and posted in our faces 24/7. For some people, though, celebrities are more than a passing glance on […]

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The strangest claims insurance actually covered

When you think about insurance claims, what comes to mind? A fender bender? A burst geyser? Maybe a misplaced phone? Sure, those are the bread and butter of the insurance world, but every now and then, something so strange happens that it feels like it’s been ripped from the script of a comedy show. Believe it or not, some claims […]

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A mental look at why we buy insurance

At the heart of it all, all of life is basically risk. Practically everything living, including us humans, have evolved to avoid danger, whether it’s a lurking predator or a potentially risky investment. For the most part, we’re not as worried about lions as we are about medical bills, car accidents, and unexpected disasters. So, our brains do this little mental […]

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Is it time to switch to an electric car?

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been buzzing around the global motoring world for a couple of years now, and South Africa is beginning to catch on. Especially with the growing concern over climate change. As more people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints, it makes sense that more drivers are thinking about ditching petrol or diesel and going […]

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