A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

The king’s portable possessions insurance for your precious things

Between laptops, smartphones, smarter tablets, your designer sunglasses, and the classical guitar you take to entertain your friends at dinner parties, the chances are you have quite a few precious possessions on you at any given time.

Well, did you know that King Price offers portable possessions insurance specifically for the things that you carry with you?

It’s true, we do.

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Why it’s a good idea to get the king’s cab with your car insurance

Good ideas are hard to come by… I mean, there are plenty of ideas to be had, but very few of them are good. Take a look at an idea I came up with last night: A series of phrase books to allow dog owners to communicate better with their pets. The first edition will be ‘Alsatians’, followed by ‘Border […]

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Why being underinsured sucks

The whole point of buying insurance is to protect yourself from financial loss in case your stuff (like your car, the stuff your carry on you all day, the things in your house, and even your house itself) gets damaged or stolen. Because you can’t physically see the protection that your insurance policy provides*, it can be tempting to look […]

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Introducing our Brand New Ad Campaign

As you’ll know by now if you follow me on Facebook and Twitter (and if you don’t, then please do? I want to be friends with you), King Price recently launched our brand spanking new advert on TV. King Price turned 2 this year and to recognise how far we’ve come, we wanted to update our look and our messaging […]

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R1 insurance from King Price: Because 1 is the magic number

You know how grandparents are always reminiscing about how cheap everything was ‘back in the day’? A movie ticket for 17 cents, a Coke for a 5-cent coin, and a car deposit for a whole R15… Ah, the good ol’ days. Fast forward to today, and you can barely buy a lollipop for R1. But, believe it or not, there’s […]

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How car insurance saves you money

While you might not notice it immediately, car insurance does save you a considerable amount of money. Yes, you’re paying monthly premiums, and hopefully won’t ever need to claim, but you’re not looking at the bigger picture. Having your vehicle covered protects you from a variety of possible circumstances that you face every day. What do we mean?  Well here […]

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