A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

5 Things about home insurance

What are the first 5 things you’d grab from your home if it caught fire? It’s a tough question and the answer is different for everyone. Perhaps you’d grab all of your gran’s old photos, or maybe it would be your King Price bobble head collection.

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Keep us informed at all times

Every time you move jobs, or homes, or buy a new car, you’ll need to update your car insurance policy, to make sure that all of the risk factors relating to where your car is most often parked have been addressed. It’s the only way to make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row when it comes time […]

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Oh yay…. E-tolls are here to stay

By now you’ve probably already taken a long, angry walk, poured yourself a drink, screamed into a pillow or done whatever it is you need to do to blow off steam about the recent judgement regarding e-trolls e-tolls.

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2nd Lowest claims overturned rate!

Remember last year, we showed you that King Price was fourth overall among all of the South African insurance companies who’d had claims overturned by the ombudsman? Well, we’re proud to announce that we are now 2nd in the country of insurers that will insure your car, household contents and building, with one of the lowest claim-overturn rates around.

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3 Years young and going strong!

As you might have gathered from the cupcakes and balloons flying around our office the last week, King Price turned 3 on the 2nd of June. It’s been 3 amazing years since we turned the insurance industry upside down with our crazy ideas: like being the only insurer in South Africa (in the world, actually) to decrease it’s premiums monthly, […]

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The king’s journey…

Can you believe it’s only 3 years ago that King Price was launched? Yup, it was in 2012 (the same year The Avengers came out) that the noble king of price came to save South Africans from ridiculously high insurance premiums that only went one way…. Up. In that time we’ve overcome a few tricky hurdles and celebrated some massive […]

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