How to make your long-haul flight comfortable

Ah, the joys of long-haul flights! Hours of sitting in a metal tube, surrounded by strangers, with nothing but a tiny screen and questionable food to keep you company. But fear not, fellow traveller! With a bit of preparation and a sprinkle of King Price magic, you can turn your next long-haul flight into a journey of comfort and (dare we say it) enjoyment. And while we’re at it, let’s talk about how our portable possessions insurance can save the day when things go awry.

  1. Choose your seat wisely

First things first, pick the right seat. Opt for an aisle seat if you’re not a fan of being squished between 2 strangers. It lets you stretch your legs and make those all-important bathroom breaks without disturbing your neighbours. Websites like SeatGuru can help you find the best seats on your flight.

  1. Dress for success (and comfort)

Forget fashion; think comfort. Loose, breathable clothing is your best friend on a long flight. Layers are key because aeroplane cabins can go from freezing to sauna-like in minutes. And don’t forget your trusty compression socks to keep those legs happy and healthy.

  1. Pack smart

Your carry-on is your survival kit. Pack essentials like a neck pillow, eye mask, earplugs, and noise-cancelling headphones. Trust us, blocking out the noise of a crying baby or a snoring neighbour is worth its weight in gold⁴. And while you’re at it, throw in some snacks. Aeroplane food can be hit or miss, so having your favourite munchies on hand is a game-changer.

  1. Stay hydrated

Airplane cabins are notoriously dry, so drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you further. Bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up after passing through security. Your skin and body will thank you.

  1. Move around

Sitting for long periods isn’t great for your body. Make it a point to get up and stretch every couple of hours. Walk up and down the aisle, do simple stretches, and keep that blood flowing.

  1. Entertainment is key

Load your devices with movies, TV shows, music, and books. Many airlines offer in-flight entertainment, but having your selection ensures you won’t be stuck watching reruns of old sitcoms. And don’t forget to bring a portable charger to power your devices up.

  1. Sleep like a baby

Bring a good neck pillow and an eye mask if you plan to sleep. Consider taking a mild sleep aid, but always consult your doctor first. Creating a mini bedtime routine can also help signal your body that it’s time to rest.

  1. Portable possessions insurance: Your travel buddy

Now, let’s talk about something that can make your journey smoother: Portable possessions insurance. Imagine this… You’re on your way to your dream destination, and your laptop gets damaged or, worse, stolen. With King Price’s portable possessions insurance, you can travel with peace of mind, knowing that your valuables are covered, no matter where you are in the world.

Our insurance covers everything from laptops and tablets to jewellery and cameras. Whether you’re exploring the streets of Paris or lounging on a beach in Bali, we’ve got you covered. And the best part? You don’t need to list every single item you carry. We cover unspecified everyday items up to a certain amount so you can focus on enjoying your trip.

  1. Stay positive and enjoy the ride

Finally, keep a positive attitude. Long-haul flights can be challenging but are also the gateway to amazing adventures. Embrace the journey, make the most of the in-flight amenities, and remember that every hour brings you closer to your destination.

So, there you have it, folks! With these tips and a little help from King Price, your next long-haul flight can be a breeze. Safe travels, and don’t forget to insure those precious portable possessions before you jet off! For a commitment-free insurance quote, click here or WhatsApp them on 0860 50 50 50.

Psst… This blog provides general info only and doesn’t count as financial or product advice from King Price or our legal and compliance experts. Remember, all our premiums are risk-profile-dependent, and T’s and C’s apply. Our most up-to-date KPPD (policy wording) can always be found here.

Our website T’s and C’s can be found here.

King Price Insurance Company Ltd is a licensed non-life insurer and registered financial services provider. (Reg no. 2009/012496/06 | FSP no. 43862)

How to make your long-haul flight comfortable
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How to make your long-haul flight comfortable
Ah, the joys of long-haul flights! Hours of sitting in a metal tube, surrounded by strangers, with nothing but a tiny screen and questionable food to keep you company.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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