How to know when you should replace your tyres

As you cruise through the streets in South Africa, it’s quite likely that you’ll encounter a mix of smooth highways and rough, pothole-ridden tracks. With such varied road conditions, you can’t rely on any standard advice on when it’s time to change your tyres. Then again, you can’t just put your finger into the air and hope the wind tells you when to do it.

So, how do you know when it’s time to replace them? And how can you tell which tyres will work best for the roads you most frequently travel over?

Let’s check it out.

The winds of change

We jest. There are no winds that’ll tell you when it’s time to change your tyres.

What you can do, though, is keep an eye on a few details. For starters, you should keep an eye on the number of kilometres your tyres have travelled. The general advice is that you should replace your car tyres every 40,000 to 80,000km, but as we said… The standard advice doesn’t apply given how tough our diverse landscape can be on your tyres.

So, yes, you do need to keep track of the mileage your tyres have done, but in order to make a more accurate decision on when it’s time for new tyres, you also need to look out for the following details:

  • Smoothness: If tread depth on your tyre dips below 1.6mm, it’s time for a change.
  • Visible damage: If you can spy any cuts, bulges, or holes could mean your tyre’s safety is compromised.
  • Noises or vibrations: If things feel bumpier than usual or your tyres are noisier, it might mean there’s internal damage.

Make your tyres last longer

There are some things that you simply can’t avoid, like a pothole that just appears out of nowhere. But there are also a few actions you can take in order to get the most life out of your tyres. You can, for starters, regularly inspect your tyres for signs of wear or damage. You can also make sure that your tyres are always at the right pressure by checking them every time you fill up with fuel. It’s also a good idea to get your tyres aligned and rotated, because this will help wear them evenly.

The king has your back, no matter the road

If the unexpected does happen, and your tyres and rims are damaged then it sure would be nice to not have to pay for the repairs or replacements out of your own pocket, right?

Well that’s what the king’s tyre and rim insurance is there for. Our royal tyre and rim insurance covers, well, your tyres and rims. Essentially, we’ll repair your tyres if they’re repairable, and we’ll replace them if they aren’t. We’ll also fix your rims if we can. So, damage from rocks, broken glass, potholes, steel and other road hazards = no problem, when you’re with the king.

Interested in checking out tyre and rim insurance? Just click here or pop us a WhatsApp on 0860 50 50 50 and we’ll give you a commitment-free quote in no time at all.

Psst… This blog provides general info only, and doesn’t count as financial or product advice from King Price or our legal and compliance experts. Remember, all our premiums are risk-profile-dependent, and T’s and C’s apply. Our most up-to-date KPPD (policy wording) can always be found here.

Our website T’s and C’s can be found here.

King Price Insurance Company Ltd is a licensed non-life insurer and registered financial services provider. (Reg no. 2009/012496/06 | FSP no. 43862)

How to know when you should replace your tyres
Article Name
How to know when you should replace your tyres
Wondering if it’s time to change your tyres? Here’s the quick guide to making the right choice at the right time when it comes to your tyres.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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