Home contents insurance and proof of ownership: Why it matters

We really hope you never need to use this, but in the unfortunate event that something valuable gets damaged or stolen from your home, you’ll want to be able to prove that you own it when you make a claim. Yep, that’s right – having proof of ownership is a standard part of home contents insurance, and it’s the same with every insurance company out there. So, let’s break down the whats, whys, and hows behind home contents insurance and how you can easily show us that your belongings are really yours, in case you need to make a claim.

What exactly does home contents insurance cover

Home contents insurance covers all those items you’ve worked hard to collect over the years – your electronics, furniture, clothes, and the random stuff you never quite remember you own until you need it. We’re talking about your TV, your books, your fridge, your beloved bean bag – anything that’s inside your home and outbuildings (like your garden shed or the garage where you’re storing your tools and old gym equipment).

A simple definition of home contents

Imagine your home was suddenly turned upside down – what would fall out? That’s pretty much the definition of your home contents. It’s everything inside, from your couch cushions to the kitchen kettle. If it’s in your home and it’s yours (or your family’s), it’s covered.

Why proof of ownership is important

There are a couple of reasons why we need to verify that you own the items you claim for – some a bit less fun, but all important.

Let’s start with the less pleasant 1: Unfortunately, not everyone is as honest as you. There are always those who try to claim for things they don’t own, which messes it up for everyone. When people make fraudulent claims, it affects the cost of home contents insurance for all of us, driving up premiums. So, we need to check ownership to keep things fair.

But there’s also a really good reason for proving ownership: It’s in your best interest and getting the right cover so you’re not left out of pocket if disaster strikes.

The smart way to handle it

The smartest approach is to take the time to figure out how much it would cost to replace each item in your home and make sure you’re fully covered. Better to be slightly over-insured than under-insured – that way, you won’t get caught with a nasty surprise when you need to replace something important.

To help you out, we’ve created a super handy inventory form you can download from our website – it’s quick, easy, and helps you keep track of everything you need to insure. You can grab it here.

What to do when you need to prove ownership

So, how do you prove ownership of your stuff if you need to claim? The easiest way is to keep those receipts, manuals, and make sure to snap a pic of the item (with a date, of course). This way, you’ve got a photo, description, and all the important details like the model number, serial number, and value, right at your fingertips.

Don’t get caught out

When it comes to home contents insurance, proving ownership might feel like a hassle, but it’s totally worth it. It ensures that you’re fully covered and that you won’t be left scrambling if something goes missing or gets damaged. Keep track of your belongings, be prepared, and you can rest easy knowing you’ve got the right cover in place. And if you ever need help or advice, the king and his court are here to make it simple. Happy insuring!

Give us a call or pop us a WhatsApp on 0860 50 50 50 for a commitment-free quote.

Psst… This blog provides general info only and doesn’t count as financial or product advice from King Price or our legal and compliance experts. Remember, all our premiums are risk-profile-dependent, and T’s and C’s apply. Our most up-to-date KPPD (policy wording) can always be found here

 Our website T’s and C’s can be found here

King Price Insurance Company Ltd is a licensed non-life insurer and registered financial services provider. (Reg no. 2009/012496/06 | FSP no. 43862)

Home contents insurance and proof of ownership: Why it matters
Article Name
Home contents insurance and proof of ownership: Why it matters
Learn why proof of ownership matters for home contents insurance. Discover how to easily track your items, avoid hassles during claims, and ensure you’re fully covered with the right documentation. King Price makes it simple.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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