DIY disasters: Why home insurance is your best friend

Ah, the joys of DIY. For some, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of tackling a home improvement project, armed with nothing but a hammer, a YouTube tutorial, and a questionable amount of confidence. But let’s be honest, there are times when our abilities and our gung-ho attitude aren’t aligned, and in those moments, we find that our DIY dreams can turn into hilarious disasters faster than you can say ‘What was I thinking?’

Thankfully, if you have the right home insurance policy from the king, we can swoop in like a superhero to save the day. Let’s look at a few of the DIY disasters that could have you turning to the king if things go wrong.

But first, the bit about insurance

Before we LOL (or wince) at a few examples of how it can go wrong, let’s shine some light on how home insurance can play an important role in these projects.

  • Accidental damage: We offer cover for accidental damage to buildings and home contents, which would apply to situations like painting mishaps or kitchen disasters.
  • Fire damage: Our home policies, like fire and fury, covers fire damage, so if a DIY project leads to a fire, the costs associated with repairs would be covered.
  • Water damage: Our home policies include cover for water damage caused by burst pipes or accidental overflow, which aligns with most bathroom blunders.
  • Theft and burglary: The king’s comprehensive home insurance covers theft and burglary, ensuring that your belongings are protected in case of a break-in.
  • Liability cover: If someone gets injured on your property due to a DIY project, liability cover can help protect you from legal claims.



The great paint fiasco

Picture this: You decide to give your living room a fresh coat of paint, and you figure you can handle this on your own. You make sure that you’ve got your brushes, your rollers, and an ambitious Pinterest board full of inspiration. But in your excitement, you forget 1 crucial thing and that’s to cover the furniture. Before you know it, your amazingly paint-free sofa is now a lovely shade of ‘oops!’

Maybe you like the unique design, or maybe it’s awful. Thankfully, it may just be that your home insurance can help cover the costs of cleaning or replacing your comfy couch. Just remember to take a deep breath and call your insurer before you start panicking about your ‘artistic’ choices.

The kitchen catastrophe

Let’s not forget the kitchen, the heart of the home, and often the scene of the crime. Perhaps you fancied yourself the next MasterChef and decided to whip up a culinary masterpiece to shock and awe your family, but instead it’s less awe and mostly shock. Shock at your smoke-filled kitchen and a fire alarm that sounds like a banshee on a mission.

In this case, your home insurance could step in and cover damages from accidental fires, giving you peace of mind while you contemplate your next meal. Maybe takeout?

The (ahem) bathroom blunder

If you think the kitchen is the only place for DIY disasters, think again. Enter the bathroom, where you’ve finally decided to install a new sink. This time, you’ve watched all the right videos and covered what needs to be covered. Somehow, though, the pipes are leaking faster than you can say ‘plumber,’ and water is everywhere.

Look, when it comes to plumbing, we would have to say that it’s always better to call in the professionals. But luckily, home insurance can cover water damage caused by plumbing issues, so while you might be mopping up the mess, at least you won’t be drowning in repair costs.

The garden gaffe (gaffe = mistake)

Let’s take a stroll outside, where there are all sorts of things that can be DIY-ed. For instance, you might decide that it’s time to take your gardening skills to the next level by building a lovely wooden deck. However, in your enthusiasm, you accidentally chop through the power line while digging. Suddenly, your DIY project has turned into a shocking experience, literally!

While you might need to call in the experts to fix that little mishap, it’s possible that your home insurance could help cover the repairs and any damage caused by the unexpected electrical issues.

The king has your back, and your castle

In the end, DIY projects can be a fun and rewarding way to improve your home, but they can also lead to some unexpected surprises. With home insurance by your side, you can embrace the chaos and know that you’re protected. You see, this kind of cover can help to cushion the blow when your home improvement projects go awry. Whether it’s covering damages from accidents, protecting your belongings, or helping with repairs, having the right home insurance policy can save you from financial heartache.

We can offer comprehensive home insurance that covers a wide range of incidents, from accidental damage to theft and everything in between. Our policies are designed to give you peace of mind, so you can tackle those DIY projects with confidence (and maybe a little less enthusiasm).

Click here for a commitment-free insurance quote or you can WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50.

Psst… This blog provides general info only, and doesn’t count as financial or product advice from King Price or our legal and compliance experts. Remember, all our premiums are risk-profile-dependent, and T’s and C’s apply. Our most up-to-date KPPD (policy wording) can always be found here.  Our website T’s and C’s can be found here.

DIY disasters: Why home insurance is your best friend
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DIY disasters: Why home insurance is your best friend
Discover why home insurance is your best friend during DIY disasters. From paint spills to kitchen fires, King Price has you covered when things go wrong.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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