Dashboard confessions: Unravelling the mysteries behind your car’s blinking lights

Welcome to the interesting ride of understanding your car’s dashboard symbols, where every light is more mysterious than a Protea’s performance on match day (although, we’ll never stop supporting you guys!).

The check engine light: More unpredictable than loadshedding

This light could mean anything from a loose petrol cap to a serious engine problem. It’s like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get. But unlike ‘load reduction’, at least your car gives you a heads-up before leaving you in the dark.

Fuel gauge: The real long road to freedom

The fuel gauge is the ultimate test of faith, much like believing the Springboks will win the next World Cup. When it hits E, it’s not just empty; it’s an adrenaline rush that says, ‘How far can we go on the smell of an oil rag?’.

Temperature warning: When your car’s running hotter than a braai

This light means your car’s temperature is soaring higher than the mercury at a braai on Heritage Day. Time to pull over and let your engine sip on some coolant like it’s a cold 1 on a scorching day.

Oil pressure warning

If this light comes on, it’s slicker than a politician’s promise (he he he). It’s your car’s way of begging for an oil change before things get as messy as your skaftin leaking in your handbag.

Tyre pressure warning

This warning is your cue to pump up the tyres, ensuring they’re as robust as a boerboel guarding your backyard. Ignore this, and you’ll be riding rims faster than you can say ‘ayoba’!

Battery alert: The only thing more drained than us after a Bok game

When this symbol lights up, it’s time to charge your battery, much like you recharged after those 1-point Springbok wins. No one wants to be stranded, especially when there’s a celebration to be had.

Brake system warning

This light is as important as the red light at a robot. It’s telling you to check your brakes, ensuring they’re in top shape.

Seat belt reminder: Click it or ticket, even in the Karoo

The seat belt reminder is like your tannie reminding you to wear a warm jacket. It might be annoying, but it’s all about keeping you safe on the road, even if you’re just cruising through the Karoo.

Airbag indicator: Ready to pop like a Vuvuzela blast

This light ensures your airbags are primed and ready to protect you like you’re shouting ‘He re yang!’ at a soccer match.

ABS warning: Anti-skid brakes, because sometimes life’s a gravel road

The ABS warning keeps you steady, much like a good pair of hiking boots on a hike through the Drakensberg.

So, there you have it, folks! A guide to your car’s dashboard symbols. Remember, these lights are not just for show; they’re as crucial as knowing not to feed the baboons at Cape Point. And while you’re keeping an eye on those symbols, don’t forget to protect your ride with King Price. We offer simple cheap premiums that decrease monthly, which is as delightful as finding an extra 10 bucks in your pocket when you need to pay for your parking at the mall. Drive safe, keep the jokes rolling like a tyre with plenty of tread, and let King Price take care of the rest. Because when it comes to your car, it’s always better to be safe than sorry and with King Price, you’re always in good hands.

Get a commitment-free quote today by simply clicking here or chatting to us on WhatsApp (0860 50 50 50)!

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Dashboard confessions: Unravelling the mysteries behind your car’s blinking lights
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Dashboard confessions: Unravelling the mysteries behind your car’s blinking lights
Ever wondered what your car is trying to tell you with those flashing dashboard symbols? Join us for an interesting journey through the signals on your ride!
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