Common and costly car insurance claims

As a visionary car insurance provider dead-set on changing the way car insurance is done, we pride ourselves on being a force for good. But that means we’re often helping our fellow South Africans during some pretty awful times… And this means that we’ve seen our fair share of insurance claims. We’ve gathered the more common and costly car insurance […]

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What you need to know about agreed value insurance

So, you’re getting a commitment-free (and, of course, simple cheap) car insurance quote for your bab-we mean ‘car’, and you’re ready to go through the motions of telling us the mileage, make and model, and the details of the person who’ll be driving it most often, when suddenly… You stop. Because we’ve just asked you if you want to get […]

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The main differences between motorbike insurance and car insurance

It’s easy enough to think that motorbike insurance works in pretty much the same way that car insurance does. In principle, there are some similarities. You pay a monthly fee, more commonly referred to as a premium, in exchange for cover. If there’s an incident that you can claim for under your policy, we’ll pay for the repairs or replacement. […]

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Why you should buy a second hand car

Cars cost more than some homes these days. Seriously… You can buy a literal house for less than the price of a car in South Africa. We’re not talking about a luxury sports car that comes with its own chauffeur and mini chocolate fondue for the passengers, but more the kind of car that a family would buy. Like those […]

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Things to know if you’re thinking about buying car insurance

Understanding the world of car insurance can feel a bit, well, daunting. Especially if you’ve never thought about it or taken out a policy before. So, given that we’ve been in the biz for 10 years now (oh golly, where does the time go!) we thought we’d share a few tips and tricks to keep you as knowledge-equipped as possible. […]

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Who has the cheapest car insurance

Wondering which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance? It’s a good question, considering that the cost of everything from fuel and food to clothing and electricity has shot up. Seriously, we remember just a few years ago when we thought that life was expensive… Little did we know that things could cost so much more. Yes, with the spike […]

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