Away for work or play? Here’s how the king protects your home-sweet-home

Ready to kick back, relax, and soak up some much-needed holiday vibes, or are you heading off for a business trip? No matter what the reason is for leaving home, the safety of your castle and all the treasures inside it while you’re out and about has got to play on your mind.

Don’t fret. The king’s buildings and home contents insurance has your back. Here’s how these policies protect your financial situation if something happens to your home while you’re away.

The burglar blues

The holiday season is a prime time for pesky burglars. If your home is targeted, buildings insurance covers structural damages, like broken windows or doors. And those valuable items? Home contents insurance ensures you’re compensated for any stolen goods. It’s like having a vigilant guard dog caring for your financial security (imagine paying for repairs and replacements out of your own pocket)… Minus the barking.

Power surge perils

Electricity in this country can be a bit temperamental, especially with loadshedding. If a power surge fries your appliances, your insurance policy has your back, covering damage caused by sudden surges. Just keep in mind that gradual wear and tear from constant on-off cycles isn’t covered.

Before you leave your home, make sure that you unplug non-essential electronics and switch off geysers at the DB board. If you’re looking for more protection, then you could invest in a main DB board surge protector, surge protector plugs for your TV, fridge, and computer and even a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for critical items like your fridge.

When the weather throws a tantrum

Hailstorms and floods don’t take holidays. If Mother Nature gets grumpy while you’re away, your buildings insurance covers damages to your home’s physical structure, like roof repairs or mending damaged solar panels. And for your electronics and furniture inside the home? That’s where your home contents insurance shines, covering the costs of damaged personal items.

Geyser and water woes

Picture this: You’re lounging on the beach or killing it in the boardroom, and back home, your geyser decides to burst. Disaster, right? Not with the right insurance. Buildings insurance swoops in to cover repairs to your home’s structure, including floors and walls. Meanwhile, home contents insurance steps up to save your furniture and belongings from water damage.

Fire fiascos

Fire can strike anytime, anywhere. If it happens while you’re away, buildings insurance will handle repairs or the rebuilding of your home, and contents insurance will replace your possessions lost in the blaze. It’s peace of mind that’s hotter than a beach bonfire.

Let’s talk liability

Liability cover is like the quiet hero of home insurance. If someone gets hurt on your property while you’re away, or if a tree in your yard crashes into your neighbour’s house, liability cover protects you from hefty financial claims. Think of it as your insurance cape, ready to save the day.

The king’s got your back (and your castle)

Whether you have buildings insurance, home contents insurance, or both, understanding how they work together to protect your home and belongings while you’re on holiday can make all the difference. So go ahead and hit the road, and let King Price keep your home-sweet-home safe and sound.

So, what are you waiting for?

WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50 or click here for a commitment-free insurance quote.

Safe travels, friends!

Away for work or play? Here’s how the king protects your home-sweet-home
Article Name
Away for work or play? Here’s how the king protects your home-sweet-home
Here’s a closer look at how the king’s buildings and home contents insurance works together to keep your property and belongings safe.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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