Celebrities with insured body parts

Let’s face it – celebrities are renowned for their beauty and their ‘superior’ body parts. This is why it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to find out that many of Hollywood’s elite have opted to insure their ‘best assets’ for millions of dollars. From Kim Kardashian’s bottom to Mariah Carey’s legs, let’s take a look at the long […]

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5 most laughable burglaries

Have you ever heard of the burglar who couldn’t get hold of a gun and decided to use an adult toy as a weapon instead?  What about the guy who decided to make like Santa Claus and slide down the chimney in an effort to rob a house, accidentally wedging himself in there as a result? Yes. These people really […]

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10 Things you should have in your car

If you have to drive to work and back every day, you’ll understand by now why a lot of us consider our cars to be like a second home…. A mobile second home that you can sing along to Bon Jovi really loudly in. Just like in your own house, you need to consider what supplies you might need if […]

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6 Of the strangest things ever stolen

We are all well aware of car theft and home burglaries. These crimes happen every single day, after all. But have you ever heard of criminals stealing things like copious amounts of beach sand or an entire bridge? Let us take a look at six of the strangest things that have ever been stolen.

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