The king’s guide to a festive time

It all starts with the famous phrase: “just one drink”. And it almost always ends up being: 1 tequila, 2 tequila…you can’t find the door…3 tequila, 4 tequila… you’re lying on the floor… Many nights are unpredictable, unplanned and seem to have devastating effects (whether it’s on your wallet, your liver, or both). And the closer we get to the […]

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Is your home disaster covered by the king?

Your teenagers host a rager and completely trash your house while you’re away… And although you might consider this a disaster, you’re not necessarily covered for this by your insurance. Here’s what you need to know about what the King covers, so that you don’t have a surprise coming your way (besides your trashed house of course).

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Survive the aftermath of an accident

BRAKE…SCREECH…SMASH… This is probably one of the worst sequences of events any car owner could ever imagine. Not only does the aftermath of this sequence usually cause immense trauma (because let’s face it: your car is your baby), but it can also rip a hole in your pocket.

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What to do when someone else hits your car

Is there anything worse that comes with the shame and the overwhelming sensation of sheer idiocy of klapping your own bumper into a pole, or a fence, or a wall, or…. You get the idea. Yes, actually, there is. That’s the sheer indignation of having someone else smack into you at a great speed.

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8 Ways to make your insurance claim more efficient

Claiming from insurance is never going to be an enjoyable process. After all, needing to claim means that something has gone wrong – be it a car accident, a burglary, a fire or simply misplacing something of high value. However, if you do need to make a claim, there are ways in which to make the process as efficient as […]

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Why all parents should have insurance

When you’re expecting a baby, insurance isn’t usually top of mind. New parents’ heads are filled with cots, prams, cute little baby clothes and visions of having a new family member in the home. But wait, before you completely forgo the idea of taking a look at your insurance policies with fresh eyes, or taking out any new ones, consider the […]

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