Are my office documents insured?

Why would you choose to insure your documents? Just imagine this… What if you wanted to expand your factory and you hired an architect to draw up plans. The architect created 2 or 3 possible configurations of what your expansion could look like. It took some time and cost a fair amount of moolah, so your choice is important (no […]

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Does shortfall cover make sense for you?

Let’s take a hot minute to talk about shortfall cover. It’s now a thing that you can get in the insurance world. We don’t just jump on any old band wagon when it comes to insurance products. We either pioneer out-of-this-world products with ridiculously amazing benefits that make perfect sense for our clients (like our decreasing premiums and R1 insurance)… […]

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So, what’s included with our office contents insurance?

When it comes to insuring your office contents, we’ve spared no detail. That’s because every business is unique and has different risks that they need to protect themselves against. For instance, while you might own a run-of-the-mill office that deals with sales and related admin, and you only want to cover the actual contents of your space, like your phones, […]

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3 reasons why scratch and dent insurance makes sense

Why on earth would you need scratch and dent insurance if you’ve chosen comprehensive cover for your car? That’s the question on everyone’s lips when they hear about scratch and dent cover. The king pondered this long and hard before deciding to launch this product and now we’re here to tell you the 3 main reasons why it makes sense […]

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So, what is office contents insurance?

Someone calls, maybe a supplier or a customer. So, you plop down in your ergonomically-friendly chair, take a quick swig from your double-walled thermo-smart cappuccino glass (swanky as all heck), pick up your new phone that you’ve just had hooked up, and jot down some notes with your pen. Which was an expensive anniversary gift that your beloved had specially […]

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Compare car insurance premiums

Compare Car Insurance Premiums and find out why the king is the obvious choice when it comes to car insurance. There’s not a single day that goes by without your car losing value. If you keep very still, you can probably hear the sound of its monetary worth dwindling. And yet… You continue to pay the same flipping premium, month […]

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