7 facts about New Year’s resolutions (and why most of us fail miserably)

Ah, New Year’s resolutions. That magical time of year when we set intentions we rarely intend to keep. We tell ourselves, ‘This year will be different!’ and by February (here we are folks), our yoga mats are back in the closet, our gym cards are gathering dust, and we’re still just as addicted to takeaway as we were last year. Why are New Year’s resolutions so hard to keep? Here are some facts about our collective annual struggle to become ‘better people.’

 1. Nearly 80% of resolutions fail by February

That’s right. Stats say that by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around, most people have already abandoned their resolutions. So, if you’re thinking about quitting the gym, you’re in good company. Go ahead, order that pizza. You’re only human!

2. The ‘New Year, new me’ myth

Every January, we convince ourselves that the date on the calendar has magical powers. We become self-help gurus overnight, thinking, ‘Who I was last year? Oh, that’s just so 2024’! And yet, New Year’s Day is really just another day. The secret to change isn’t about timing… It’s about commitment. But hey, a little magical thinking never hurt anyone, right?

3. We all make the same resolutions

Want to lose weight? Eat healthier? Save more money? You’re not alone! Most New Year’s resolutions fall into 1 of these categories. If resolutions were hashtags, we’d all be living under #NewYearSameGoals.

 4. New Year’s resolutions date back over 4,000 years

Did you know that New Year’s resolutions are as old as ancient Babylon? These early resolution-makers would swear oaths to the gods, hoping it would bring them a good harvest. Kind of like how we tell ourselves we’ll stick to our gym routine in hopes of a ‘good harvest’ of abs. Spoiler alert: Most of them failed, too.

5. Self-control is overrated

Research suggests that people who rely solely on willpower to achieve their resolutions are less successful than those who make small, consistent changes. Willpower is like a muscle that gets tired, especially when there’s cake in the office.

6. Accountability is key

It’s a scientific fact: If you tell a friend about your resolution, you’re more likely to stick to it. But if you tell your mom, she might text you every morning to see if you’re ‘still doing that health thing’. Friends keep us accountable; family just keeps us annoyed.

7. Only 8% of people actually succeed

That’s right, only a handful of us have the grit to follow through. But here’s the kicker: That 8% just keeps trying, even when they stumble. The lesson here? Persistence pays off! Or, as some might say, ‘Fake it ‘til you make it’.

The king’s (very wise) advice: Review your insurance

Speaking of sticking to your resolutions, here’s 1 you can nail down easily: Reviewing your insurance. Don’t let your old policies weigh you down in the new year! Start fresh, and be sure-sure to check in with King Price. After all, the king wants you covered, and he knows a thing or 2 about making smart decisions.

Not insured with the king yet? Why not be part of that 8% who succeed in sticking to their New Year’s resolutions and get a commitment-free quote today from King Price by simply clicking here or chatting to us on WhatsApp 0860 50 50 50.

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7 facts about New Year’s resolutions (and why most of us fail miserably)
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7 facts about New Year’s resolutions (and why most of us fail miserably)
Discover the funniest facts about New Year’s resolutions and why they rarely stick. Here’s to making your new year different by finally following through… And maybe even reviewing your insurance with the king!
The king
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King Price Insurance
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