10 fun things to do without a TV (or phone)

You know when your mom used to warn you as a child that you’ll get square eyes if you stare at the TV too long? Although it technically might not have turned out to be true, we get what she was trying to teach us.

There’s so much to explore and enjoy if we just switch off the TV, put our phones down, take our ear pods out and go for it.

Looking for some inspiration? Here are 10 fun things to do without screen time:

  1. Explore the great outdoors: Nature offers endless entertainment. Go for a hike, have a picnic, or simply take a leisurely walk in the park. Breathe in the fresh air and appreciate the beauty around you.
  2. Cook or bake together: Gather your family or friends and cook a meal from scratch. Try a new recipe, bake cookies, or create a themed dinner night. The process of cooking together can be both fun and rewarding.
  3. Board games and puzzles: Dust off those board games or jigsaw puzzles. Whether it’s Monopoly, Scrabble, or a challenging puzzle, these activities encourage interaction and friendly competition.
  4. Learn a new hobby: Always wanted to play the guitar, paint, or knit? Now’s the time! Explore your creative side and pick up a hobby that interests you.
  5. Host a movie night: Wait, didn’t we say without a TV? Yes, but this is different! Set up a projector or use a laptop to watch a classic movie with friends. Create a cozy atmosphere with blankets and popcorn.
  6. Visit a museum or art gallery: Immerse yourself in culture and history. Explore local museums, art exhibits, or historical sites. You’ll be amazed at what you discover.
  7. Read aloud: Choose a book and take turns reading aloud with family members. It’s a great way to bond, explore different genres, and escape into fascinating worlds.
  8. Gardening: If you have a backyard or even a small balcony, try your hand at gardening. Plant flowers, herbs, or vegetables. Watching your plants grow can be incredibly satisfying.
  9. DIY home projects: Fix that loose doorknob, repaint a room, or create homemade decorations. Tackling small home improvement projects can be both productive and enjoyable.
  10. Write letters or postcards: In our digital age, handwritten letters are rare and special. Write to a friend, family member, or even a pen pal from another country. Share stories and memories.

Remember, life is full of opportunities for fun and connection beyond screen time!

While you try to forget about your phone or TV, don’t forget to insure them just in case. With King Price’s portable possessions insurance you can rest assured that the king’s got your back. For a commitment-free quote give us a call on 0860 50 50 50 or pop us a WhatsApp. You can also visit our website for more info.

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10 fun things to do without a TV (or phone)
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10 fun things to do without a TV (or phone)
There’s so much to explore and enjoy if we just switch off the TV, put our phones down, take our ear pods out and go for it.
The king
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King Price Insurance
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