Cheap car insurance

Decreasing premiums...
Why, how, and what's in it for you

In a nutshell

You know that your car loses value the moment you take ownership of it, right? And then it continues to depreciate in value every month after that, too.

So, we asked the question:

Why keep paying the same monthly premium to insure something that's worth less and less?

It just didn't make sense to us. We employed some seriously clever people... They developed a system that enables us to offer car insurance with premiums that decrease every month. Super cheap premiums that decrease to match your car's depreciating value. It makes sense, right?

But, you say, saving a few Rand every month... Ppfffftttt...

We say... Think compound savings. Think the multiplying effect of what Albert Einstein called 'the eighth wonder of the world'.

Say your premium comes down by R10 at the end of your first month with our royal family, and then by another R10 at the end of your second month. Because your second month's premium was calculated at R10 less than the first, you've actually saved R30 after the second month... Not 20!

After 12 months your compound saving would be R660, and it would be R6,300 after 3 years! (Not so ppfffftttt after all.)

Is that the sound of the penny dropping? If you're over being ripped-off and looking to save on your insurance the fair and logical way... Contact the king of insurance.

Call us on 0860 50 50 50 or pop an email to

Our pricing model vs. traditional insurance pricing models