A word from the king

Our blog... Blah blah blah

How to protect your home from a burglary

Most burglars are opportunistic criminals who will target homes that don’t have much security, or whose owners tend to be a little less cautious than others. In order to help ensure that you avoid falling victim to a burglary, here are some easy security steps to take:

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Celebrities with insured body parts

Let’s face it – celebrities are renowned for their beauty and their ‘superior’ body parts. This is why it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to find out that many of Hollywood’s elite have opted to insure their ‘best assets’ for millions of dollars. From Kim Kardashian’s bottom to Mariah Carey’s legs, let’s take a look at the long […]

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5 most laughable burglaries

Have you ever heard of the burglar who couldn’t get hold of a gun and decided to use an adult toy as a weapon instead?  What about the guy who decided to make like Santa Claus and slide down the chimney in an effort to rob a house, accidentally wedging himself in there as a result? Yes. These people really […]

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10 Things you should have in your car

If you have to drive to work and back every day, you’ll understand by now why a lot of us consider our cars to be like a second home…. A mobile second home that you can sing along to Bon Jovi really loudly in. Just like in your own house, you need to consider what supplies you might need if […]

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